
Creating a Redux Like Store

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In this post we will take the state store created in the previous post make more redux like. The first thing we need to answer is what is redux?. According the to offical redux website: Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. It helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, and native), and are easy to test.& In simple terms, redux is a pattern to follow to manage global application data which can be shared across multiple components.

Creating an Extendable Basic State Store

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Managing State in Angular with Rxjs Managing state can be a challenage in many applications. For larger Angular projects there are libraries to solve this problem that you may have used before to manage your state; NGRX, NGSG, and a few others. These libraries are great options for larger project but can be a little time consuming to use when building small applications. One thing I’ve been looking for is a more simplified pattern for managing state in smaller Angular projects.