Angular Library

Creating an Angular Component Library - Progress Bar Component

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Another common component you might use in an application is a progress bar. There are a few types of progress bars one being the general bootstrap style. Another one that I’m starting to see more frequently is the style positioned to the top of the page with an animation spanning the full width of the page similar to YouTube. This is the type we’re going to create. A full screen demo of what we’re going to build

Creating an Angular Component Library - Alert Component

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The first component we are going to create for our library is an alert component. Alerts are a common component used to notify the user that something has change or maybe an error occured or even a valididation constraint failed on a form. A full screen demo of what we’re going to build  Prerequisites Install Node Install Angular CLI Creating an Angular Component Library - Workspace Setup OR Clone this github repository  Generating Our Alert Component We will need to generate a new module along with a component in our library project.

Creating an Angular Component Library - Workspace Setup

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One fairly recent feature with Angular is the ability to generate libraries with the Angular CLI. A library is essentially a group of components, directives, service, pipes, interceptors, etc that allows for maximum code reuse by installing the library in multiple applications, think DRY principles. This next post we will setup a workspace to create a reusable component library and in subsequest post we will cover creating some components for our library.